in Kaits Korner, Kaits-Korner
They say that children can start making explicit memories at around age two. However, most of these memories remain implicit until the age of seven. While some children report having memories as young as age two, most children do not. At 26, there is obviously more times of my life that I remember, and have explicit memories from, than there is time that I don’t. A lot of my very first memories, involve Kait and her family. KK and I grew up together all over the east coast. New York, New Jersey, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Florida… the list goes on and on. Our travels were for us and our relationship flourished there. While we did attend school together, from the 5th grade on, she had her schedule and I had mine. I don’t think I would’ve changed a thing because when I look back, I think we had such a strong connection because we didn’t let anything get in our way. No drama from school, or silly outside things, just family. Our families became one and nothing is more special than family. Kaitlyn taught me so many of the things that I know, in life and after death. She was always more advanced than I was, and I would’ve been lost without that as a kid and as a teen. So, to tell me that I have to talk about one memory is hard because there are millions of small moments. I could realistically write a novel about the profound impact that Kait Doorhy had on my life.
My first text message was sent to her, she taught me how to use social media, my first inappropriate word, falling asleep in front of the fire at Christmas Eve dinner after she had worked at MK all day. Collecting money filled Easter eggs in our mansion air b&b in Florida. Teaching me to snowboard with MY snowboard…which then made me realize I was a born skier. Making sure that my horrible high school nickname, Karen, stuck all the way through to my adult life. Marching next to you in my NJROTC uniform, while you waved politely as strawberry queen. A lifetime of memories that definitely ended too soon. We should’ve had college degrees, weddings, and children of our own. She will still be here for all of those things, just not in the way we would have liked or expected. I will never be able to understand fully why this happened. It is not fair, every day is easier than the one before, but it will never be okay. Losing you was the hardest thing I have ever been through. Not just for me, for everyone who knew you, but mostly for your family. Watching them in pain caused the most upset. All I know is that our story is a true testament to “friends are the family you choose.”
I could not think of anyone more deserving of the title of sister than Kaitlyn and her sister Carly. I am an only child but because of them it never really did feel that way. That brings me the most comfort in times that are harder than others. We miss you Kait but thank you for all the memories you left with us. Including, but not limited to, teaching me how to make a spoon stick to my nose.
All of my love always.