Candance Tagliaferri, Kait’s cousin
in Kaits Korner, Kaits-Korner
Kaitlyn , where to begin. My little cousin, my friend my Angel. To be honest I could sit and list endless amounts of memories from Easter Sunday photo shoots , Facebook wall videos & fun in the sun. But most recently I have had a huge life changing moment and entered a new chapter in my life I never knew my relationship with my Angel Kaitlyn would shift and be present in an incredibly new way.
On May 18th, 2021 I gave birth to Cristiano Anthony. Cristiano came 5 weeks early. On the way to the hospital we didn’t know what to expect or what was happening. I prayed on the drive, as I often do. I asked God to connect me to my angels and help guide me and keep baby boy safe. As always Kaitlyn, came through.
When Cristiano was also born he was born with a stork bite. A stork bite is discoloration of skin between the eye brows and on the back of the neck. He has both. The meaning of a stork bite is the showing that an Angel was present and has touched that baby before entering the world. To bring baby a life time of blessings. To show baby is protected by those above. For him , this was our Kaitlyn.
Cristiano also had his first visit from Kaitlyn.
Cristiano sleeps sound thru the night 12 hours. Never a break. One night he woke up at 3:30am. I heard a noise, so I looked over at the monitor and he was standing up having a full blown conversation. Laughing, cooing, Gaga-ing as baby’s do, he was 10 months at the time. 15 mins later back down and sound asleep.
I am grateful I have Kaitlyn to watch over him , to show me signs everything is going to be ok. To bring sunshine on days showing rain, to show up in my back yard on my most anxiety driven days (red cardinal) letting me know to calm my heart & soul. In those moments, I know it’s Kaitlyn bringing me peace and a sense of relief.
Kaitlyns spirit is very much so alive and present & I will continue to LOVE how she shines through to me and through Cristiano.