Sawyer Butto
in Kaits Korner, Kaits-Korner
I was studying abroad in Australia. One of our college friends texted me and said “look, I know you’re on the other side of the world so I need to tell you something.” That’s how I learned of Kait’s passing. I immediately called my parents and asked them to book me a flight home. I had to go home, I had to go to the funeral, I had to get there for her incredible parents and little sister. Of course they said no, because I still had three months left of the semester and had to finish. My parents told me to write the Doorhy’s a letter, and so I did. That was the hardest letter I had ever written in my life – I just didn’t know what to say, and much like Kait, I usually have a lot to say and don’t have a hard time saying it! It wasn’t great closure; however, after some time I realized I didn’t need closure because we were ready to keep Kait’s spirit alive.
The very first memory I have of Kait is her messaging me asking to be her college roommate. It was the summer going into our freshman year at Sacred Heart University. I checked out her Facebook and remember thinking, this girl is really … BLONDE. We kept messaging and found out we had a lot in common. Her birthday is June 12 and mine is June 11 (two Gemini’s). I was playing lacrosse at school and she was in the band. We both had the same major and we both had dreams of going to law school. This girl loved to SHOP, (we did a lot of that freshman).
My first day on campus, Kait had already been there for two weeks because she had band practice before the semester started. She had the room all set up. She came right outside and helped me and my parents bring in all of my stuff. Move things around and make me feel settled. She was SO welcoming. She couldn’t have been nicer. We were best friends from that moment on.
When everyone went home for Labor Day and I couldn’t because I was from PA and too far, she said “you’re coming home with me.” We hadn’t been at school for that long but she took me home and made me feel like family. Kait, her parents, her sister ALL welcomed me with open arms. I couldn’t be more thankful.
The first year at Sacred Heart wasn’t easy for me. I had a really hard time transitioning when lacrosse was taking up 95% of my time and I couldn’t do “normal” college things, but Kait was truly the reason I was able to pull through. I transferred the summer going into my Sophomore year. I always wondered how life would be different now if I had stayed at SHU with Kait.
Kait’s been in my memory with me throughout the course of my life. When I got a good score on my LSAT, I looked up and thanked her. When I got into law school, I looked up and thanked her. When I graduated law school, I looked up and thanked her. When I passed the bar, I looked up and thanked her. When I got my first legal position, well, you get the gist. My point is, I know she’s been with me every step of the way. I didn’t just do it for me, I did it for both of us. She would’ve been such an amazing attorney. Her passion and her drive were second to none.
Kait lived the motto of “work hard, play harder”. She was always studying and getting A’s, she was always practicing her instruments whenever I passed by that band room, and she always had some sort of job. When it was time to let loose, that girl could party! Between the jet skis and the boats, the house parties, the shopping, the tanning, and the Veuve – she was one of the coolest people I had ever met. She knew what she was doing before any of us figured it out.
I miss her. I love her. I hope I’m making her proud.