Day: January 22, 2022

so many memories…

so many memories…

By admin in Kaits Korner, Kaits-Korner on January 22, 2022

I think to pick just one memory would be impossible, but that’s what made our friendship so special; there are just too many to choose from. I wrote this August 22nd 2016, two years after K passed. “Some of my favorite memories with you are just when we would drive around, no destination in mind, nothing planned. I maybe didn’t realize them then, but understand now, that God put us together for a reason. He knew that eventually he would need you more than we did, but gave us that time together – something I’m grateful for every day. When I take drives by myself now I think of you. I think of when we would race to the beach for a sunset, just to get a good picture. I miss you, I love you, we’re another year closer to being back together xoxo Kimmy”. And how thankful I am for all the time we got to spend together. For Kait’s last few years on earth, we did nearly everything together – we worked together (too much), we shopped together, we were law and order SVU-watching bums together, we partied, we laughed, we vented and cried together. Kait was the greatest friend I’ve ever had and I consider myself eternally grateful to have had the chance to experience a friendship like hers.

Some of my favorite memories include:
Getting fired from Magic Fountain together, yes you read that right. This dynamic duo got fired at the same time because we missed a “staff meeting” at 9am..on a Saturday morning.. after we had worked till midnight the night before.. for an ice cream shop.. when we were 14 and 15 years old..ha! We would go on to still be loyal customers and laugh it off after my brother and Mr. Doorhy gave the owner an earful.
– Kait and her CARS. Kait loved her cars, and I loved to ride with her. I think I was the first friend in the white charger with the candy apple red interior. Whether it was her car, the escalade, the Jag we were always riding and style, just as Kait did.
– Kait having more to drink than me on my 21st birthday at Sunset Beach and the Pridwin, she was 20. I still recount it as one of the best memories of my life. The entire night and the ride home on the ferry (for anyone reading this that was there) was incredible.
– The night at Rhumbline, I’ll try and keep this condense. We were at Rhumbline after Claudios (tbt) and all the sudden we heard some commotion outside so we go out to look. There are two girls (no one I would personally mess with) fighting in the street – a real cat fight, screaming, ripping hair etc. BUT they were getting a little too close for comfort to Kait’s escalade – so Kait marches up MID FIGHT to tell them to get away from her car … I’m laughing writing this because it’s so her.
– The ENDLESS shifts at A Mano and Alure – team gryffindor, fighting over Sophie and Logan as our bus kids, being Adam and Charmaine’s favorites, walking out with stacks of cash. We lived at work but oh my gosh how much fun did we have together. She was the ying to my yang.
– New Suffolk beach & boat days – frying our skin to a bronze, coronitas, veuve and so many laughs. The trip to block island! The nights out – grey goose and kettle 1 & lemonades, too many to remember, or not. Always eating in style – Noahs, Sunset Beach, the list goes on. Endless memories with the best summer crew around (Hi Brit and Tyler!). Gaining a little sister, spending time and getting so close to your incredible Mom & Dad. I could go on and on…
Kait taught me so much about life and friendship in her short time here on earth, so I’d like to leave you with this advice – find yourself a friend like Kait, they will bring you an unmatched joy. Kait is my constant reminder of just how precious life really is, so take the chance, go out when you’re tired, spend the extra money, give that second chance, and say I love you a few more times.
Love and miss you always K,
xoxo Kimmy