Author: admin

Mattituck Girl Gets Magical Gift

Mattituck Girl Gets Magical Gift

By admin in Community on April 4, 2022

Kait’s Angels learned about a local young girl, Katy Zlatniski, who has had so, so much to deal with in her young life since birth. Her strength, perseverance, and love of life is to be admired by all. From birth, Katy was diagnosed with cystic Hygroma, a birth defect in which sacs of fluid can develop in the womb. Katy’s settled in her lymphatic system and she was a critical airway patient during her first 3 years of life. Add to that a diagnosis of Hashimoto’s Graves Disease, an autoimmune disease, which causes inflammation of the thyroid. It’s been a long battle for this brave girl’s young life.

The Kate’s Angels Team wanted to do something for Katy to give her a mental break from her battles and put a smile on her face….so, we sent her and her family to her favorite place, Harry Potter Theme Park in Orlando.

OVERCOMING OBSTACLES IS nothing new for Katy Zlatniski.

Eleven years ago, when her mother was pregnant with her,she was diagnosed with cystic hygroma, a birth defect in which sacs of fluid can develop while in the womb. For Katy, this occurred in her lymphatic system and she was a critical airway patient for the first three years of her life.

Despite the early health scare and a more recent diagnosis of an autoimmune disease affecting her thyroid gland, Katy has met the challenges in her life with a smile.

Her perseverance has caught the eye of her neighbors in Mattituck. In particular, the group Kait’s Angels, a nonprofit known for bestowing acts of kindness on local residents who could use some help, found a unique way to celebrate her. The group is sponsoring a trip to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios in Florida for the youngster.

‘We never would have been able to do this for her if it wasn’t for them.’-Trisha Zlatniski 

The money for the trip came from a 50/50 raffle the nonprofit held during their July 16 live music benefit with That Motown Band at the North Fork Roadhouse. Katy will be visiting the theme park with her family in March 2022.

Katy, who attends Cutchogue East Elementary School, had celebrated her 11th birthday last year by watching “Harry Potter” and surrounded by butterbeer, popcorn and her closest friends.

Kait’s Angels, established in 2014 after the tragic death of local college student Kaitlyn Doorhy, organizes various fundraising events throughout the year to help members of the community.

“I just thought it was nice to do something happy for a change,” said Kait’s Angels board member Darla Doorhy, Kaitlyn’s mom.

Hashimoto’s Graves disease, the more recent ailment Katy has had to battle, causes an inflammation of the thyroid and results in leaked excess thyroid hormones, according to Mayo Clinic.

Despite the difficulties Katy has faced, her mother, Trisha Zlatniski, says it hasn’t fazed her at all.

“Honestly she’s walked this really rough road and she never got the memo, she’s just bright and sunny.” Ms. Zlatniski said.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is a theme park in Universal Studios that is based on J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” series of books, which have become a worldwide phenomenon.

Katy’s interest in Harry Potter has exploded the past three years, according to Ms. Zlatniski.

The theme park immerses visitors in the “Harry Potter” universe, taking them through locations from the series, such as the streets of Diagon Alley and the village of Hogsmeade, as well as through Hogwarts castle.

Ms. Doorhy said that Kait’s Angels wanted to do something for Katy two years ago, but Ms. Zlatniski graciously declined. The mom said she always felt there was someone else who needed the help more. But since this year was especially difficult, she thought this was a good time and accepted the help from the organization.

This trip means a lot to Katy, her mother said, and she’s grateful to Kait’s Angels for the opportunity.

“We never would have been able to do this for her if it wasn’t for them,” Ms. Zlatniski said. “I couldn’t say enough wonderful things; this just means so much to her.”


Published in The Suffolk Times 10-7-21

The Chicago Cousins

The Chicago Cousins

By admin in Kaits Korner, Kaits-Korner on April 3, 2022

For those of you who are unaware, I am Nick Savaglio, and I am Kaitlyn’s second cousin (or as the New Yorkers refer to us as “The Chicago Cousins”). As I sit here to write this, I am at a loss for words because Kaitlyn has impacted my life in so many ways and for me, it is hard to put into words how much she meant to me. Referring to Kaitlyn as my second cousin sounds silly to me because she was so much more than that, I looked up to Kaitlyn like the older sister I never had. We had shared so many experiences before her passing, but it was not until after that I came to realize how much of an impact on my life she would have.

As everyone knows, Kaitlyn passed away in August of 2014 and at the time I was 18 years old starting my freshman year of college. I was at that age where I did not fully understand how to process losing someone, I was so close to and looked up to. However, throughout the next few years a lot of my decision making came with Kaitlyn and mind and how she would approach certain situations.

There are so many memories that I can remember with Kaitlyn from ding-dong-ditching in the neighborhood to the late night black Friday shopping, but any time we were together we were always laughing and having fun, that’s what I remember the most. My favorite memory isn’t really a memory but a yearly tradition of spending each Thanksgiving together. Every year I would look forward to seeing Kaitlyn and Carly coming to Chicago for a full week and enjoying the company of one another. Now that the cousins are a little bit older and close to starting families on their own, we hope to continue the tradition as we know Kaitlyn would have wanted.

I could sit here and type for hours about all the different stories and how much Kaitlyn meant to me but there isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t think about her. I know that she is looking over us and we will continue to make her proud.

Keep Smiling Beautiful,


so many memories…

so many memories…

By admin in Kaits Korner, Kaits-Korner on January 22, 2022

I think to pick just one memory would be impossible, but that’s what made our friendship so special; there are just too many to choose from. I wrote this August 22nd 2016, two years after K passed. “Some of my favorite memories with you are just when we would drive around, no destination in mind, nothing planned. I maybe didn’t realize them then, but understand now, that God put us together for a reason. He knew that eventually he would need you more than we did, but gave us that time together – something I’m grateful for every day. When I take drives by myself now I think of you. I think of when we would race to the beach for a sunset, just to get a good picture. I miss you, I love you, we’re another year closer to being back together xoxo Kimmy”. And how thankful I am for all the time we got to spend together. For Kait’s last few years on earth, we did nearly everything together – we worked together (too much), we shopped together, we were law and order SVU-watching bums together, we partied, we laughed, we vented and cried together. Kait was the greatest friend I’ve ever had and I consider myself eternally grateful to have had the chance to experience a friendship like hers.

Some of my favorite memories include:
Getting fired from Magic Fountain together, yes you read that right. This dynamic duo got fired at the same time because we missed a “staff meeting” at 9am..on a Saturday morning.. after we had worked till midnight the night before.. for an ice cream shop.. when we were 14 and 15 years old..ha! We would go on to still be loyal customers and laugh it off after my brother and Mr. Doorhy gave the owner an earful.
– Kait and her CARS. Kait loved her cars, and I loved to ride with her. I think I was the first friend in the white charger with the candy apple red interior. Whether it was her car, the escalade, the Jag we were always riding and style, just as Kait did.
– Kait having more to drink than me on my 21st birthday at Sunset Beach and the Pridwin, she was 20. I still recount it as one of the best memories of my life. The entire night and the ride home on the ferry (for anyone reading this that was there) was incredible.
– The night at Rhumbline, I’ll try and keep this condense. We were at Rhumbline after Claudios (tbt) and all the sudden we heard some commotion outside so we go out to look. There are two girls (no one I would personally mess with) fighting in the street – a real cat fight, screaming, ripping hair etc. BUT they were getting a little too close for comfort to Kait’s escalade – so Kait marches up MID FIGHT to tell them to get away from her car … I’m laughing writing this because it’s so her.
– The ENDLESS shifts at A Mano and Alure – team gryffindor, fighting over Sophie and Logan as our bus kids, being Adam and Charmaine’s favorites, walking out with stacks of cash. We lived at work but oh my gosh how much fun did we have together. She was the ying to my yang.
– New Suffolk beach & boat days – frying our skin to a bronze, coronitas, veuve and so many laughs. The trip to block island! The nights out – grey goose and kettle 1 & lemonades, too many to remember, or not. Always eating in style – Noahs, Sunset Beach, the list goes on. Endless memories with the best summer crew around (Hi Brit and Tyler!). Gaining a little sister, spending time and getting so close to your incredible Mom & Dad. I could go on and on…
Kait taught me so much about life and friendship in her short time here on earth, so I’d like to leave you with this advice – find yourself a friend like Kait, they will bring you an unmatched joy. Kait is my constant reminder of just how precious life really is, so take the chance, go out when you’re tired, spend the extra money, give that second chance, and say I love you a few more times.
Love and miss you always K,
xoxo Kimmy
My Loving Memories of Kaitlyn

My Loving Memories of Kaitlyn

By admin in Kaits Korner, Kaits-Korner on October 3, 2021

Loving Memories of Kaitlyn

Darla holding Kaitlyn at Sunday Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church: that is my first memory of Kaitlyn. She was about 2 ½ / 3 years old and wearing a pretty, white hat with a wide brim made of eyelet. My first thought was “what a cute, little girl” and I noticed that she was about the same age as my daughter, Christine.  Shortly after that, there was that cute, little girl and her Mom again at the Mattituck-Laurel Library for one of their wonderful programs for toddlers. The rest is history, as they say, as Kaitlyn and her family became a big part of the life of my family. Soon after, another precious little girl that we met at the library named Corinne Araneo and her family joined us. We spent a tremendous amount of time together doing all kinds of fun activities with the girls. All are very fond memories, and regardless of what the activity was, Kaitlyn was always smiling and full of spirit and boundless energy- she absolutely knew how to have fun from a very young age.

Another special memory of Kaitlyn was the morning Carly was born. Darla and Joe called me sometime in the middle of the night to come over to be with Kaitlyn so they could head to the hospital. ( Yes, of course, the plan was in place before that night-we’re talking about Darla here!) It was a very special day that we spent together, along with both my girls: breakfast, time at the park, and we probably spent some time at the library, too. And Kaitlyn was SO excited about having a baby sister. And from that day on, Kaitlyn took on the role of “big sister” in an exemplary manner.

If there were such a thing as The 5 Musketeers, it would have been Kaitlyn, Corinne, Christine, Lisa, and Carly. They were pretty inseparable doing all kinds of special things or just playing together. There were trips to the city, trick or treating, Christmas caroling, making gingerbread houses at Gingerbread University, the Christmas “Character Breakfasts” and many other special outings. And of course, we will never forget the generosity of Darla and Joe opening up their home year after year for Easter Egg Hunts and the best birthday pool parties in town! Through it all, Kaitlyn was ever present, being helpful with the younger ones, organizing games, leading the way.

Some of my most cherished memories of Kaitlyn took place when she was  a student in my  Religious Education class from Kindergarten to 9th grade. I would pick up some of the students in my green Windstar mini-van, and Kaitlyn christened the van “The Religion Bus.” It kept that name way past the time that the students finished Religious Ed, and some of the best conversations took place in “The Religion Bus.” Having Kaitlyn in class was a Godsend ( no pun intended!)  She was smart and had a keen sense of humor. She was very adept at crafts (just like her Mom), which came in handy when the students were young because she was able to lend a hand to others who weren’t as crafty.  And as the students got older and there were less crafts and more discussion, I could always count on Kaitlyn to ask insightful questions and make astute comments, keeping things lively and the others involved.

These are just a few of the loving memories of Kaitlyn that bring joy to my heart.  Her  strong presence was always felt; Bill Araneo said it perfectly at Kaitlyn’s funeral Mass when he called Kaitlyn a Force. And because of the immeasurable love and unending dedication of Darla, Joe, and Carly and Kait’s Angels, Kaitlyn’s presence continues to be a Force. Kaitlyn continues to make a difference in the lives of so many, right here in our local community. She is truly a Guardian Angel, and I feel blessed when I find a dime because I know she is paying me a sweet visit, sometimes when I need it most.

You will always be in my heart, Kaitlyn

Love, Gail Angell


Kaitlyn Dore Doorhy… My Niece My Goddaughter My Inspiration

Kaitlyn Dore Doorhy… My Niece My Goddaughter My Inspiration

By admin in Kaits Korner, Kaits-Korner on June 11, 2021

Kaitlyn and I share so many amazing times together.  As a little girl, she was inquisitive, caring, and loving.  She always knew if Mom and Dad said “NO” Aunt Dore would say “YES”.  I loved that she had an infectious smile.  

If you were sad Kaitlyn made you happy.  I have so many wonderful memories of the times we shared. The Doorhys had a boat that they docked in Oakdale, and Kaitlyn use to call me and ask if she could come over, of course, I said yes and she would end up at my house to hang out and we had a blast laughing eating shooting the breeze.  Kaitlyn and I shared a passion for the NY Mets.  Every Christmas she would give me a Mets ornament.  We attended games together and ate hotdogs and cotton candy, it was always a blast.  I told her someday we will sit in one of those boxes, and our wish came true.  For my 50th birthday, we celebrated with family and friends in Suite 122 at Citi Field.  She said to me ” Aunt Dore we made it”.  I will never forget that twinkle in her eye and the fun we had.  There are so many great times, the Christmas’, the Easters, the Birthdays.  When Kaitlyn set out to do something nothing got in her way.  I love and adore Kaitlyn. She shines down on me from above and I know every time I need her she is there.

By admin in Kaits Korner, Kaits-Korner on April 29, 2021

They say that children can start making explicit memories at around age two. However, most of these memories remain implicit until the age of seven. While some children report having memories as young as age two, most children do not. At 26, there is obviously more times of my life that I remember, and have explicit memories from, than there is time that I don’t. A lot of my very first memories, involve Kait and her family. KK and I grew up together all over the east coast. New York, New Jersey, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Florida… the list goes on and on. Our travels were for us and our relationship flourished there. While we did attend school together, from the 5th grade on, she had her schedule and I had mine. I don’t think I would’ve changed a thing because when I look back, I think we had such a strong connection because we didn’t let anything get in our way. No drama from school, or silly outside things, just family. Our families became one and nothing is more special than family. Kaitlyn taught me so many of the things that I know, in life and after death. She was always more advanced than I was, and I would’ve been lost without that as a kid and as a teen. So, to tell me that I have to talk about one memory is hard because there are millions of small moments. I could realistically write a novel about the profound impact that Kait Doorhy had on my life. My first text message was sent to her, she taught me how to use social media, my first inappropriate word, falling asleep in front of the fire at Christmas Eve dinner after she had worked at MK all day. Collecting money filled Easter eggs in our mansion air b&b in Florida. Teaching me to snowboard with MY snowboard…which then made me realize I was a born skier. Making sure that my horrible high school nickname, Karen, stuck all the way through to my adult life. Marching next to you in my NJROTC uniform, while you waved politely as strawberry queen. A lifetime of memories that definitely ended too soon. We should’ve had college degrees, weddings, and children of our own. She will still be here for all of those things, just not in the way we would have liked or expected. I will never be able to understand fully why this happened. It is not fair, every day is easier than the one before, but it will never be okay. Losing you was the hardest thing I have ever been through. Not just for me, for everyone who knew you, but mostly for your family. Watching them in pain caused the most upset.  All I know is that our story is a true testament to “friends are the family you choose.”

I could not think of anyone more deserving of the title of sister than Kaitlyn and her sister Carly. I am an only child but because of them it never really did feel that way. That brings me the most comfort in times that are harder than others. We miss you Kait but thank you for all the memories you left with us. Including, but not limited to, teaching me how to make a spoon stick to my nose.

All of my love always.


You didn’t have to lose somebody close for this to resonate with you.

You didn’t have to lose somebody close for this to resonate with you.

By admin in Kaits Korner on February 16, 2021

Feeling emotions whole-heartedly is necessary to move forward.   

To any first-time readers or new members of the organization, welcome. It is humbling and heartwarming for the core members of Kait’s Angels to have your attention on our monthly newsletter.

As many of you may know, Kaitlyn Doorhy is my older sister. She tragically passed away when I was just sixteen years old. The following years of her passing, my junior and senior year of high school, were my foggy years. What I mean by that is, I sit here now at twenty-two years old, thinking back to what some girls described as the best years of their lives, and can’t come to remember the details of my friends, my classmates, volleyball games, teachers I built relationships with… barely anything. I was numb in my head and in my thoughts. I wasn’t living like most were from sixteen to twenty years old. In fact, I don’t remember caring a single bit about what happened around me. I was just going through motions, trying to graduate and get into college so I could start fresh and escape the fog.

The problem with that mindset is that it was extremely irrational. Was I ever going to be able to wipe the slate clean and start completely over? No, that’s not realistic, not for anyone or any situation. Shutting out the things that bring us down is a trap. It set me up for making disappointing decisions that did not reflect a slither of the person I am today or the person my parents raised me to become. These very emotions and events that we block out WILL creep back…but a lot more aggressive than the first time. So, what is my advice? Face the struggle face-to-face, not back-to-back. Face the struggle face-to-face, not back-to-back.

How do we do this? “It’s so much easier to act like it’s not bothering me and keep on going. Maybe if I distract myself with other things, I will forget about it all.” The struggle lies in the fog itself. You must not turn your back on it. What would happen if we turned our back in a boxing ring? The other opponent would take advantage of you and pin you down, maybe even knock you out. If you turn your back on the fog, it’s going to circumnavigate itself around you no matter what you do to try to avoid it. I turned my back on the fog and I eventually had to deal with my emotions, consequently wasting the time I had to grow mentally and win the match.  

There isn’t a day that goes by I don’t think about my sister; what could have been, where we would be today, and how different my life would be now. The difference is in the way I think about her. I used to hear her name and automatically feel a sense of sorrow, some guilt, sadness and heartbreak. You may think of your struggles with the same emotions, whether it be the death of someone close to you, a break up with someone you loved or are still in love with, or maybe you have been disappointed by someone you love. The average person will tend to think of these situations in a negative light for days, months, years, or maybe even an entire lifetime. Whether we spend ten days, ten months, or ten years hashing out these feelings in our head, the event will always remain.

Are we wrong for feeling what we feel? Absolutely not. These are the emotions we are programmed to feel. Our bodies and brains are wired to feel any which way we need to feel for extensive periods of time. We will even place the blame on ourselves to make it easier to comprehend and digest. “What if this happened instead” or “maybe if I said this differently.” Thinking about ways in which it could have been different rather than reflecting on what is, is a sign you are still in the fog. We break through the fog by moving forward; excited for the future, thankful for the present, and endlessly aware of our past.

The question I ask is, do you feel at peace from what you have gone through or do you feel trapped in the fog?

To dwell is to remain. To accept and reflect is to move forward. You must be able to accept what is, be thankful for what you had, remember the laughs you shared, and the person they have helped you to become.  



By admin in Stuff A Trailer on April 13, 2020

Annual Donations Accepted
From November – December 12
10560 Main Road, Mattituck 11952


Annual Designer Handbag WINGO

Annual Designer Handbag WINGO

By admin in Events on April 10, 2019

Designer Handbag WINGO Night is Friday, June 10th, 2016 at Macari Vineyard located at 150 Bergen Avenue in Mattituck, NY!!

if you’ve played bingo, you’ll know wingo!

Hosted by Kait’s Angels, come enjoy a night out full of fun, wine, wingo, raffles, and a special “angel auction”

There will be a large selection of wines available!


How to purchase tickets:

Tickets are $50 in advance $60 at the door.

Advance tickets can be purchased as follows:

– at LOVE LANE SWEET SHOP on Love Lane in Mattituck

– at WENDY’S DELI in Mattituck


– by sending a check/money order ($50 for each ticket requested) made out to “Kait’s Angels” to P.O. Box 1081, Mattituck, NY 11952.  (TICKET WILL BE A WILL CALL AT THE DOOR ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT.)


Doors open at 6pm, gameplay starts at 7pm sharp.  Your ticket includes 8 games and a complimentary glass of wine!!


All proceeds to benefit Kait’s Angels and all donations are tax deductible.

Visit our website and sign up to be an angel today! Visit the Make A Difference section and click on “Become An Angel.”

For more information email us at